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'Bula Blend

'Bula Blend

Regular price $14.50 Sale


This is our "rock star" blend. From the moment we introduced it, 'Bula Blend earned a host of fans. Amazing flavor + sweet acidity + deep complexity = 1 rockin' coffee.
Derived from an Iroquois term for the river that flows from our county into Lake Erie, Ashtabula (ash-ta-BU-la) means "river of many fish." The name was later given to the county and its largest city, affectionately known as 'Bula. Created in 1994, 'Bula Blend reveals milk chocolate, toasted nut, and hints of sweet berry that nearly melt in your mouth.
To maximize varietal character, we roast the coffees individually and then blend them. Beans from all three growing regions—Africa, Indonesia, and Latin America—are combined into a "melting pot" of flavor. Each bean contributes its own unique qualities, from flavor and acidity to body and aroma, to achieve a taste profile that is both distinctive and delicious.