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Colombia Supremo Popayan
Colombian harvested coffee cherries
Colombian colorful colonial homes on cobblestone street
Colombia Popayan coffee seedlings growing in starter pots

Colombia Supremo Fundraiser

Regular price $17.99 Sale

Medium-bodied with balanced acidity, subtle berry notes, and rich aroma, the Popayan expresses itself as lush fruit in a sweetly-toned body and exemplifies the classic American cup.

A traditional favorite, Colombia Supremo Popayan grows in the fertile soil of the deeply admired Cauca region of the Sierra Nevadas. The city of Popayán is located in the valley of Pubenza, and is one of the central coffee-producing microregions within Cauca. High annual precipitation (2,200–2,300 mm/year) combined with volcanic soil makes it prime land for outstanding coffee.

A cool mountainous climate prolongs the development of the Popayan's coffee cherry, deepening the berry flavor absorbed by its seed, the coffee bean. This flavor is accentuated during the fermentation stage when the defruited bean is wet-processed. 

Third behind Brazil and Vietnam in coffee production, Colombian coffee doubtless owns the world's most familiar coffee origin due to the enormously successful promotional campaign the country mounted years ago. Colombia harvests the world's largest quantity of specialty-grade coffees at altitudes ranging from 1200 to over 1800 meters.

Origin Colombia
Variety: Castillo, Colombia, Caturra
Region: Popayan, Cauca
Altitude: 1738 (masl) meters above sea level
Harvest: April-December
Process: Fully washed and dried on patios and in parabolic dryers
Soil: Volcanic