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Sumatra Mandheling Dark
Sumatra volcanoes spewing ash at dusk
Sumatra landscape with volcanoes in the distance
Sumatra shade-grown coffee plantation

Sumatra Mandheling Dark

Regular price $16.99 Sale

One of the world's most desirable coffees, Sumatra Mandheling resonates with Baker's chocolate, a whisper of cedar in the aroma, subtle richness, and low-toned brooding acidity. Roasted dark to heighten its baritone qualities, the Mandheling's balance and intensity appeal to those who appreciate a truly expressive coffee.
If ever there were a land ideally suited to grow the perfect coffee, it is Sumatra. And this Indonesian island doesn't disappoint with its tropical climate and forested landscape. Lush volcanic soil surrenders coffee as distinctive as its origin, capturing the island's wild jungle essence and placing Sumatran coffee among the world's finest.
Coffee is produced on small farms and processed using the system known as “Gilling Basah” (wet hulling). This traditional Sumatran process involves hulling the parchment off the bean at roughly 50% moisture content; for comparison, most other processes hull coffee at around 10-12% moisture. This unique milling approach results in a trademark flavor profile of low acidity, a richness that lingers on the back of the palate, and imbues beans with a characteristic jade-like color.
Origin: Sumata
Region: Batak Region of West-Central Sumatra, Aceh
Altitude: 750 – 1,500 masl (meters above sea level)
Variety: Catimor, Typica
Harvest: June – December
Soil: Volcanic
Process: “Gilling Basah” (wet hulling) and sun-dried